This is Steve, Hugh, Tom, and Sam setting up the booth:

Tom and Jack warming up. Thanks to Jack's mom for working the booth as well!

Sam and Sawyer, both of whom are black belts "warming up" Alex. I'm amazed Alex didn't keel over!

This is Henry being Henry - such a cutie! Thanks to Henry's dad for manning the booth as well.

Here's a picture of the whole group during the demo, doing kiban. From left to right starting with the front row - Tom, Sam, Sawyer, Alex, Marwan. Back row: Derek, Owen, Jonas, Henry and Jack.

The younger belts doing their kiban - Owen, Jonas, Henry, and Jack

Black belt poomse (forms) - Tom, Sam, Sawyer. Sawyer is a poom (under 13) black belt so his belt is black and red. That will change to all-black when he turns 13 next year.

Paddle drills are so much fun!

Tom demonstrating his sword kiban

Here's a group shot - front row is Owen, Jonas, Marwan, Alex, Henry, and Jack; back row is Derek, Sawyer, Mr. Hopkins, Sam, and Tom.

A special thanks to Mr. Emerson and Ms. Fearon for coming and helping with the table and taking pictures. And of course to Uncle Steve (Mr. Hopkins) for help from beginning to end.
It was a fun day...